Ash house at Sanduck The Rood Screen, Lustleigh Parish Church The centre of Lustleigh as shown on the 1837 Tithe Map Lustleigh villagers awaiting identification of apple varieties during a Lustleigh Apple Day Sunday school children attending the Lustleigh Baptist Church A Lustleigh School Group East Wrey House Cecil Torr examining the map before Beating the Bounds Wrayland Path and the railway line Visiting the Garden of the Old Hall The South Porch and South Transept of Lustleigh Parish Church Wreyland Manor May Day Celebrations, 1933 A lustleigh postman delivering through the village Cottages at the foot of Lustleigh Green Identifying apple varieties during Lustleigh Apple Day The four younger sons of John and Elizabeth Wills of Higher Hisley The South Porch and South Transept of Lustleigh Parish Church Beating the Bounds in Lustleigh View of Lustleigh New apple trees growing in Lustleigh Orchard Looking west through Lustleigh Hall House Location map of Lustleigh