Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 31 of 121
Holne War Memorial Cross Taw Estuary with Westward Ho! in the distance Ashburton parole stone Kist at Fernworthy reservoir Site of Standon Village Mary Tavy Cross Page 29 of J.H.Boddy's album of Dartmoor photographs of crosses Newleycombe lake Kist 1 Buttern Stone Circle Jubilee Stone on Buckland Beacon View from Fur Tor New Quay street, Teignmouth - wall plaque Cross shaft by Walkhampton church Nuns Cross Diagram on Gunpowder A sepulchral slab at Belstone Dewerstone Rock Stone Crosses in the Chagford Area Erme Pound Boundary Stone at Blackslade Old fire engine at Buckland Abbey museum Tavy Cleave near Ger Tor "Heath Stone" menhir on Assacombe Hill Addiscott Cross Kist on Crow Tor