Taylor Collection
3027 results Page 24 of 122
View from Oakley, Plympton Tay4342b.jpg Tay35105.jpg A picture of Sir Francis Drake Tay35161b.jpg Blacktor Blowing House TayP683detail.jpg Hut circle on Shapley Common near the road to Grimspound Shavercombe Valley Interior of room Cross socket stone at Dousland River Dart in Buckland Woods Abbots Ford on the River Plym The Rock, Yelverton Ducks' Pool Christmas with the Taylor family Dewerstone Rocks Dunnagoat Tor Tay3738a.jpg The Rock Hotel Cottages at Hoo Meavy Tay3494a.jpg TAY4074B.JPG Taymisc84.Motorbike.jpg Tay6627a.jpg