Mary Seddon
Mary Seddon has lived in the Okehampton area on the northern edge of Dartmoor since 2008. For nearly two decades prior to that Mary worked as a scientist and curator at the National Museum of Wales, leading on digitisation projects for the Biodiversity collections as well as running Capacity Building and Outreach projects in Europe, East Africa and Galapagos. Since taking early retirement, she has worked part-time with her husband, John Elson, who runs an outdoor activity centre and two YHA Youth Hostels in Okehampton where she works on increasing access for young people on Dartmoor. For the last eight years, she has been a Trustee of the Museum of Dartmoor Life which has been actively promoting the heritage and social history of Dartmoor. She has been a Member of the Dartmoor National Park Authority since July 2024 and amongst her responsibilities she has volunteered to liaise with and be a Trustee of the Dartmoor Trust. Other interests include archaeology, gardening, photography and travel.