Brent Mill bridge

Brent Mill bridge

Taken in August 1945 of Brent Mill bridge over the River Avon in South Brent. Brent Mill is located nearby. In the background can be seen part of the railway viaduct. A county or C stone can be found near the bridge and originally would have consisted of a pair of stone pillars incised with the letter 'C' which denoted the word 'County'. Henry VIII introduced a 'Statute of Bridges' in 1531 which laid down a basis of bridge administration. The aim of the act was to make sure that bridges should not fall into disrepair and enforced a tax for bridge repairs. In 1841 the Devon magistrates decided that the limits of their responsibility were to be marked by boundstones. These usually were about 3 feet high with an incised 'C' on one of the faces and placed one on either side of the bridge.
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