Three Crowns Hotel in Chagford

Three Crowns Hotel in Chagford

This picture is taken of the Three Crowns Hotel in Chagford in Mill street with a thatched roof. The building on the left used to be the post office. This 13th Century Inn occupies a significant position in the history of 'picturesque' Chagford, with mullioned windows, massive oak beams, a great open fireplace and four poster beds. The Three Crowns Hotel is a fine example of the town's architectural heritage. The building was once the home of the Whyddon family who lived in Chagford for several centuries. In 1643, as the Civil War raged, the Three Crowns witnessed a violent death when during a local skirmish, the young poet and Cavalier, Sydney Godolphin, was killed by musket fire and lay dying in the porchway to the Hotel.
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