Manaton School outing to Teignmouth in the late 1920s.
Manaton School outing to Teignmouth in the late 1920s. The boys include Gideon Webber; William Howe; Claude Perryman; Leslie Prowse; Roy Greenaway; Ronald Perryman. The girls include: Helen Hern (Heath); Amy Hern (Mumford); Phyllis Bickham (Webber); Joyce Webber (Cross); Joan Andrews (Pollard); Lucy Winsor (Blowes); Muriel Ball (Heale); Nancy Winsor (Cleave); Emma Hill; Daisy Hill; Rose Hill; Mary Webber; Beatrice Squires; Mrs Skerrett; Mrs Dunning; Mrs W. Howe; Ruby Osborne; Mrs W. Crout; Mrs A. Crout; Mrs L. Crout; J. Winsor