Manaton School outing to Teignmouth in the late 1920s.

Manaton School outing to Teignmouth in the late 1920s.

Manaton School outing to Teignmouth in the late 1920s. The boys include Gideon Webber; William Howe; Claude Perryman; Leslie Prowse; Roy Greenaway; Ronald Perryman. The girls include: Helen Hern (Heath); Amy Hern (Mumford); Phyllis Bickham (Webber); Joyce Webber (Cross); Joan Andrews (Pollard); Lucy Winsor (Blowes); Muriel Ball (Heale); Nancy Winsor (Cleave); Emma Hill; Daisy Hill; Rose Hill; Mary Webber; Beatrice Squires; Mrs Skerrett; Mrs Dunning; Mrs W. Howe; Ruby Osborne; Mrs W. Crout; Mrs A. Crout; Mrs L. Crout; J. Winsor
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