Sale document showing the particulars of Town Barton Farm, Deal Farm and Becky Farm. These were part

Sale document showing the particulars of Town Barton Farm, Deal Farm and Becky Farm. These were part

Lord Hambleton's estate included 5000 acres around the Moretonhampstead, North Bovey and Manaton, but made great developments of those areas that benefited the lives of the tenanted inhabitants. For example, he made improvements to the area's farm buildings, built cottages and iron fences. After Lord Hambleton's death in 1928, the Manaton part of the estate was auctioned. This document shows part of Lot 6, the sale of the Town Barton cottages (formally tenanted by Mr E.C. Cumming and now known as Rose Cottage and its partner). The cottages and farm were sold for a total of £1800.

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