School Trip to Teignmouth

School Trip to Teignmouth

Manaton School Treat - Trip to Teignmouth in the 1920s. Included in the photo are J. Endacott; L Cuming; G. Dunning; F. Perryman; J. Pethybridge; J. Crout; W. Crout; A. Brown; A. Skerrett; W. Neck; H. Skerrett; W. Webber; P. Webber. Some of these trips were funded by local benefactors, including the Galsworthys of Wingstone and the Kitsons of Heatree. Cyril Skerrett remembers these trips as 'a highlight of the year, an excursion to a different world, for few of us had the opportunity to visit the seaside'.

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