Diagram detailing the ownership of Lustleigh Cleave over the centuries
The ownership rights to Lustleigh Cleave was much debated during the 19th and 20th centuries. The first documented case was in 1886 when three men were taken to court for poaching rabbits on the Cleave. Here it was found that ownership lay with T.S. Amery of Higher Combe who had a clear title to three-twelves of land by Richard Caseley's deed of 1632. Then in 1950, ownership of the Cleave was raised again when the Nutcracker Logan stone was vandalised. This time ownership seem to lie with Mr Hunt of Foxworthy. Finally, in 1965 with the passing of the Commons Registration Act, issues of ownership of Lustleigh Cleave were at last resolved and formally recorded. Under this Act all common land had to be registered together with names of all those who claimed common rights over the Cleave as well as those who claimed ownership of it. Therefore by 1982, for purposes of Registration, it was decided that ownership of Cleave rested with the Public Trustee under the Law of Property Act 1925 and that the "beneficial owners" were Mr C.G.D Evans of Foxworthy, Mr M Robertson of Higher Combe, The Holland House Trustees respresenting the Earls of Ilchester, descendants of the Stangeways, and Mr G. Wyndham.