Extract from the 1615 Survey of the Customs of the Manor of Lustleigh

Extract from the 1615 Survey of the Customs of the Manor of Lustleigh

This extract from the 1615 Survey of the Customs of the Manor in Lustleigh reads: "SUM totales of the Rent of the Free Convencionary and Customary Te'ments there by the yere. Sum totales of the yearely value ?18.17s.7d. There belongeth to the said Mannor a vowe of Frank Pledge. Fellones, goods, wayeffes and strayes and all priviledges belonging to a vowe of francke pledge. The Customs of the Manor THE Coppyhold lande of this Mannor is devisible of the Manor by Caoppy for one life in possession and on in rev'con and the widdowe of ev'ry Tennt dyeing Tenan't is to hold and encoye such lande as her husbande dyees. Tenn't unto soe long as she liveth sole and chast and ev'ye Tenn't by Custome is to paye for a heryott a best beast THE coppyholders are by Custome to dwell upon their Tenem'ts and not to let above a yere and that to pasture only without licence To Grynde theire grists to the Customary Mill of the Mannor. They are not to sue out of the Cort wthout Lycence for Matters here determynable." Learn more about Surveys of the Customs of the Manor (coming soon)

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