Taylor Collection
3025 results
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TayWB31.jpg Derry's Cross. Bowerman's Nose Corrington Ball Gate Derrys Clock Glascombe Plantation Lydia Bridge and Falls, South Brent Abbots Ford on the River Plym The Plym Valley Alabaster Ornamental Vase Steeperton Tor The Taylor Family, Boxing Day 1936 Tay4019.jpg Stonehedges at Yelverton - The Taylor Family home Tay3764.jpg Oakley, Plympon TayBB27.jpg TayP687.jpg Taylor girl? Grimspound Hut Circle Family, Plympton Tay4197.jpg Lambs Down Ford, Wallaford Down Plymouth school - Apparently converted into an auctioneers' and surveyors' office Remains of a Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway Embankment Under Leeden Tor