John Morgan Collection
116 results
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Drizzlecombe Tormark Long Ash Tor HingstonRow1 Tormark ScorhillTor1 Row Yennadon 2 Tormark Shapley Tor Row Trendlebere 541743Vixentor2 709625WestCombe1 563660Ringmoor1 Row Lakehead 3 629868WaternTor1-0606walk 1006Row2ShovelDown MarchantsX DSC02407 Nuns X 1207HawksTor RC Lakehead 5 007brassX2 Lakehead Row to S Barn Hill Tormark to N Hessary Trigged Stone Shapley 2 Trigged Stone nr Huckentor Trigged Stone by big slab 563660Ringmoor2