Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 67 of 293
17/7 Western Beacon 28/2/1991 3/8 As 2/8 7/2/1994 2/8 Cairn (unrecorded) above Lud brook 7/2/1994 1/8 Cairns below Black pool 7/2/1994 0/8 Below Black pool 7/1/1994 33/33 Butterdon from Blackwood path 20/6/1991 37/40 Little Aune to Sandy Way, and North slope of Ryders 20/7/1991 4/52 Snowdon N towards Ryders Hill 4/9/1991 0/12 Slopes of Eastern beacon 23/3/1991 0/10 Western Beacon from near Claret Tor 7/3/1991 - 25/55 Buttedon and Redlake railway bed 10/9/1991 21/65 Butterdon from Addicombe slagetts 6/10/1991 27/55 Track to Buttedon 10/9/1991 11/75 Tiger's marsh 11/12/1991 40/9/90 31/75 Kitty Tor peat track, Grenny Tor from near Lydda bridge 11/12/1991 23/6 Tinners working near source of Lyd 27/1/1992 4/90 Huntingdon Cross 51/10/90 10/47 Crash site Flying fortress 26/12/1944 30/8/1993 4/1/97 As 3/1/97 4/1997 8/48 Above Tiger's marsh 20/9/1994 24/77 Source of Lyd to Grenny Tor 12/11/1992 11/47 Tiger's mash and Grenny Tor 30/8/1993