Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 59 of 293
31/51 Hobajon's cross to Ucborough Beacon 26/9/1993 24/21 Mattin's corner 25/4/1991 10/27 Hobajon's cross and row to South 21/5/1991 9/27 Hobajon's cross 21/5/1991 3/12 Hobajon's cross 10/3/1994 2/12 Butterdon row 10/3/1994 32 Source Butter brook A2 4/55 Near Hangershell rock to Pen Beacon 10/53 Hobajon's cross near Butter brook 28/1 Cairn east of Hangershell 1/1994 4/12 N of Beacon plain to Three Barrows 23/3/1991 20/4 Glascombe ball 14/1/1994 14/11 Leat 28/2/1994 18/5 Near Spurell's cross to Ucborough Beacon 1/1994 EG2 3/36 Pool near Wetherdon to Beacon rocks 4/7/1991 29/1 Cairn east of Hangershell1/1994 36/15 S to Butterdon cairns from Stone row 27/3/1991 28/1 As 22/1 1/1994 4/27 Stone row Butterdon N to Sharp Tor and Three Burrows 21/5/1991 & 5/27 7/8 Above source of Lod brook 7/2/1994 7/58 Butterdon 10/1993 Hangershell to Stall Down 10/9/1991 & 21/55 Hangershell to Sharp Tor 10/9/1991 23/55 Hangershell to Sharp Tor 10/9/1991 26/21 Huntingdon Warren enclosures 25/4/1991 Hangershell Rock