Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 34 of 293
32/65/12/90 34/64 Ducks Pool House 6/10/1991 13/37 Ducks Pool House S Wollake 10/7/1991 12/51 Ducks Pool 26/9/1993 1/90 Tinners Broad Falls 10/51 As 9/51 26/9/1993 0/25 Tinners Burrows Wollake 16/5/1991 9/51 As 8/51 26/9/1993 8/51 As 7/51 26/9/1993 36/65/12/90 6/51 As 5/51 26/9/1993 21/59 Above Ducks Pool stream S to Three Burrows and Sharp Tor 13/9/1991 35/65/12/90 5/51 Tinners building and Burrows below Ducks Pool 26/9/1993 Avon near Huntingdon clapper EG.3 23/59 Ducks Pool to East 13/9/1991 66/12/90 Ducks Pool to Red Lake 2 33/26 Near Ducks Pool (Ludwig) 15/5/1991 34/26 Near Ducks Pool 15/5/1991 30 Ducks Pool from South 23/6/1994 36/26 Ducks Pool 15/5/1991 17/37 Blacklane Mire (Wollake) to Ducks Pool 10/7/1991 14/37 Above Ducks Pool stream confluence with Wollake 10/7/1991 18/37 Marker post Blacklake Mire to West (Ducks Pool) 10/7/1991 18/37 Marker post Blacklake Mire to North 10/7/1991 1/25 Black Lane South Marker 16/5/1991