Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 273 of 293
18/61 Broadall Lake to Western Beacon 30/9/1991 36/29 Source of Cut Hill stream 21/5/1993 E7/57 Broadall Gulf 13/9/1991 2/57 Broadall Gulf 13/9/1991 18/36 13/4/1994 0/56 Broadall Lake (source) 22/61 Ford, Broadall Gulf 30/9/1991 19/61 Broadall Lake to Eastern Beacon - Western Beacon 30/9/1991 20/61 Boadall Gulf to Left Lake, Three Burrows and Stadon 30/9/1991 21/61 Broadall Gulf Tinners Hut 30/9/1991 60/11/90 Broadall Gulf 24 60/11/90 Broadall Gulf 25 35/29 Near Cut Hill stream source to Winney's Down 21/5/1993 42/9/90 42/9/90 12/58 Broadall Lake to Staldown, Left Lake and Three Barrows 10/58 3/53 Broadall Gulf 6/9/1991 - - - - - - 25/37 North West rim of Fishlake to Naker's Hill 10/7/1991 33/25 Near source of Cut Hill stream 7/5/1993