Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 271 of 293
3/22 High House farmstead 27/4/1991 4/22 High House farmstead 27/4/1991 42/9/90 4/61 Settlement near source of forder brook 30/9/1991 62/11/90 30 3/61 Cholwich town leat near source of forder brook 30/9/1991 31/52 Settlement 16/10/1993 27/10/7 857 184 29/52 Settlement below Pen Beacon 16/10/1993 30/52 Hut, settlement below Pen Beacon 16/10/1993 1/20 Above High House corner 20/4/1991 3/20 Settlement above Ford Brook 20/4/1991 & 4/20 28/52 Settlement below Pen Beacon 16/10/1993 33/52 High House corner 16/10/1993 0/57 Higher corner High House Wall 13/9/1991 1/57 Leat near Broadall Gulf 13/9/1991 0/53 Track to Shell Top 6/9/1991 42/9/90 23/56 Source of Cut Hill Stream 20/8/1992 62/11/90 33 76/22 Hut circle Broadall 27/4/1991 - 5/22 Broadall lake 5/22 36/52 Broadall lake above settlement 16/10/1993 55/34