Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 192 of 293
49/10/90 Cairn! Above Lane Head track ford S to Water Oke 7/36 Trough 19C near source of West Glaze Brook 4/7/1991 49/10/90 Cairn! Above Lane Head track ford W to Hare Tor and medieval tinners works 49/10/90 Cairn! Above Lane head track to Great Links, Dunnagoats and Green Tors 23/2 Downstream from tinners workings duplicate 10/1/1992 22/2 Tinners workings above Lane Head track o cairn! Amicombe Hill 10/1/1992 29/18 As 28/17 Aug 1995 13/2 As 12/2 11/1/1995 24/2 Tinners barracks below pits N to Lower Dunnagoas and Green Tor 10/1/1992 25/2 From tinners pits downstream to Amicombe Hill Lower slopes 10/1/1992 49/10/90 6/11 As 5/11 4/5/1995 17/4 Three Barrows from near West Glaze Head 14/2/1991 49/10/90 Rattlebrook Hill and Dunnagoats from BA settlement on Amicombe Hill 46/2 As 46/1 23/9/1995 49/10/90 49/10/90 49/10/90 Above ford towards Watern Oke 46/1 Settlement 23/9/1995 5/11 Settlement 4/5/1995 29/16 As 29/15 Aug 1995 46/5 As 46/4 23/9/1995 21/2 Unrecorded tinners building above tinners pits as 20/2 to Dunnagoats and Green Tor and Green Tor Water 10/1/1992 14/10 S sloupes of Three Burrows and Reave 7/3/1991 49/10/90 Downstream to tinners workings to S slopes of Amicombe Hill