Francis Lee Collection
7324 results
Page 118 of 293
26/36 As 24/36 17/6/1992 20/26 As 19/26 7/5/1992 22/26 As 21/26 7/5/1993 25/8 As 24/8 7/2/1994 18/26 Above Vergyland Combe to Fordsland, Dinger Tor, High Willes and Yes Tor 7/5/1992 22/8 As 21/8 8/4/1995 23/8 As 22/8 Above Vergyland Combe 8/4/1995 37/63 As 36/63 to Yes Tor and East Mil Tor 28/9/1992 24/26 As 23/26 7/5/1993 21/26 As 20/26 7/5/1993 34/63 As 33/63 with Forsland and High Willes 28/9/1992 35/63 As 33/34/63 28/9/1992 24/8 Foot of Vergyland Brook 8/4/1995 33/63 Above Vergyland Combe to Yes Tor 28/9/1992 4/30 Flooded Mica pits Bala Brook Head 22/5/1991 25/26 Vergyland Combe 7/5/1993 20/36 Vergyland Combe to Great Kneeset Tor 17/6/1992 13/36 Vergyland Combe to Kneeset 30/6/1993 12/36 As 11/36 30/6/1993 10/36 Above Vergyland Combe 30/6/1993 29/63 Tinners Building Vergland Combe Foot 28/9/1992 30/63 Tinners building at foot of Vergyland Combe to Jackmans Bottom 28/9/1992 31/63 Above Vegyland Combe foot 28/9/1992 26/26 Below Vergyland Combe to Okement Hill and blowing house 7/5/1993 22/28 Below Vergyland Combe 13/5/1992