Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 97 of 121
Old Grave in Widecombe Churchyard Beehive Hut at Watern Oke Painting of Dartmeet Clapper Bridge The re-use of a cross shaft at Higher Longford Farm Upper river Avon Kitts Steps Chapel Ford across the East Okement River at Halstock Wood Peat Works near Bleak House Bellever before Conifers Staple Tor Bench Tor Omen Beam Tramway Mouth of the Dart Ruins Of Brentmoor House Near Shipley Bridge Widgery Cross Newleycombe Lake Kist 2. "Heath Stone" menhir at Metherall Sticklepath Church Stover Canal - locks 1-2 Part of stone circle? da107332.jpg Aerial View of Whiteworks Whitehorse Peat Pass London Bridge - Arizona USA Rattlebrook Peat Railway