Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 96 of 121
West Mill Tor Vitifer Leat at Sandy Hole Poster - Arch brook and boat Stone step in outhouse with a cross carved into it. View from Fur Tor Childe's Tomb Winter view of Sharp Tor, Hare Tor and Ger Tor, from Blackdown Wall Cupboard at Hen Tor Farmhouse Easton Court Chagford War Memorial Cross Stover Lake Page 51 of J.H.Boddy's album of Dartmoor photographs of crosses, beehive huts, etc. Drizzle Combe kist Steps Bridge Information Board Stone circle at Down Ridge Bell-ringers poem in Whitchurch church. Hairy hands Leat and Launder at Hooten Wheals Site of Burrator Halt The Graveyard Stone bridge in Fernworthy Reservoir ( normally under water ) A trough in Diamond Lane Wigford Down, Greenwell Gert Steeperton Tor from the Hangingstone Tinners Pond near Warren House Inn