Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 65 of 121
Hand-drawn map of Great Nodden cairns Milestone 14 miles to Plymouth Dartmoor Prison Gate Newleycombe Lake Kist 3. Drought at Fernworthy reservoir Spinsters' Rock Confluence of Tavy and Walkham Sundial at Sheepstor Church Great Staple Tor Stone bridge. Teignmouth - Haytor tramway Stone Cross at Throwleigh Picture photographed from book of the Isle of Man lead mine Wheal Anne Bottom Cross at Sampford Spiney Ruin by Rattlebrook, opposite Dead Lake Left Blowing House near Black Tor Okehampton Castle Copper ore West Dart at Dartmeet Totnes Beetor Cross Taw - The cemetary and drawing Bonehill Rocks River Yealm - below Blowing houses