Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 42 of 121
Whitehorse Peat Pass Kist at Lower Glasscombe Stone cross at Oxenham Page 76 of J.H.Boddy's album of Dartmoor photographs of crosses, beehive huts, etc. Nature reserve Black Ridge peat pass High-house moor Ford Brook Chagford Golf Club House Flood at New Bridge Vermin trap below Dartmeet Gobbet Crazing Mill Stone A map of features in the SE corner Grimspound Entrance Ice track, Saxon cross Mariners Way at West Coombe Remains of building on banks of East Dart The Cantrell Stone Row Huccaby Rugglestone Rock Tools at Finches Foundry A cross base at Greenwell Girt Ter Hill south-west cross A broken socket stone by the West Glaze Brook Stover Canal - Lock 4 Stone cross at Manaton