Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 3 of 121
Chinkwell and Honeybag Tors West Okement Valley from Meldon Dam Map of Dartmoor Black-a-ven Butterdon Stone Row Devonport Leat Old Photograph of Dart Gorge Remains of shelter on Whitehorse Hill Pilgrim's Memorial at Dartmouth Swincombe Kist Stone memorial marking Quaker burial ground Stone Cross at Addiscott Cross and boundary stones set in wall at Sungates in Plymouth Original west cross from Ter Hill - Dartmoor Centre Ships aground at Teignmouth Bishop's Stone, Lustleigh A cider mill at Burrator Confluence of Plym and Meavy at Shaugh Tolmen Taw Marsh Ouldsbroom Cross Stone porch entrance to building at Littaford Haytor tramway - viaduct Sticklepath Primary School Buckfastleigh Churchyard