Boddy Collection
3014 results Page 105 of 121
Map of Bradford Pool area Devonport Leat near Cowsic Throwleigh Parish boundary stone on the south side of Raybarrow Pool Missing Stones at Scorhill Spinsters' Rock Cuckoo Rock Clapper bridge over Blackbrook River, in Prison enclosures Manor Pound at Willsworthy A page from an album on Dartmoor: a selection of photographs of crosses Childes tomb Beating the bounds Wheelpit at East Vitifer Mine Sanford Orleigh House Walla Brook confluence with East Dart River Meldon Reservoir Headland warren farm Haytor tramway Abbots Way from Crossways Kist on northern bank of Deadman's Bottom Stone at Poundsgate Leather Tor Bridge over the River Meavy Arsenic Flue at Mary Tavy W Dart leat pipe Watern Oke Roundy kist