Royal Naval divers working on a jammed valve at the Burrator Reservoir The embankment and valve tower of Trenchford reservoir Work on the Burrator Reservoir Opening of the raised Burrator Dam in 1928 Trenchford mill pond A fissure in the construction of the Burrator dam. The start of work on the Burrator Reservoir Early construction of the filtration plant at Shipley Gathering of spectators and labourers for the start of work on the Burrator Reservoir Constructing one of the Hennock reservoirs Early construction of the Avon dam wall. View of the West Okement valley from Meldon Village Clearing the site for Trenchford reservoir Site of Trenchford dam Working on the Sheepstor dam Work on enlarging the Burrator reservoir in October 1927 Gathering for the start of work on the Burrator Reservoir Aerial view of existing gauge weir on West Okement at Vellake, in a southerly direction.