Francis Lee Collection
7324 results Page 270 of 293
16/4 Below source to Three Burrows 14/1/1994 23/4 Settlement left bank scad 14/1/1994 10/94 Glascombe Ford 15/2/1994 5/35 E Glazebrook to Codringdon Ball 20/6/1991 1/34 Above Glascombe Corner 20/6/1991 12/8 Above source of East Glazebrook to Wacka Tor 7/2/1994 27/4 Lower Scad Ford 14/1/1994 10/10 Beacon Plain to Glascombe Corner 7/3/1991 37 Long Barrow Glascombe Ball Gate 28/2/1991 4/35 E Glazebrook to Codringdon Ball 20/6/1991 11/3 NE from Wacka Tor 7/1/1994 and 12/13 As 11/3 7/1/1994 25/4 Above Scad Ford 14/1/1994