Francis Lee Collection
7324 results Page 254 of 293
23/34 Old Hill to Bala Brook and East Whittaburrow 20/6/1991 28/8 As 27/8 7/2/1994 24/2 (U3) Leat above Black Tor 28/2/1994 1/30 Bala Brook tinners works near source 22/5/1991 34/4 Zeal Hill to Ugborough Beacon 14/1/1994 1/19 no other data 18/34 Mine workings above Wheel Pit 20/6/1991 33/8 Stormy and 34/8 as 38/8 7/2/1994? 21/29 Near Red Brook Head to Wacka Tor 29/5/1991 5/1 Above source of Left Lake 1/1994 13/34 Knattaburrow west to Staldon 20/6/1991 30/8 As 29/8 7/2/1994 Middle Brook Wheel Pit 29/5/1991 and 26/29 Above Middle Brook 29/5/1991 18/9 Bala Brook 28/2/1991 20/34 Boundary stone! Old Hill 20/6/1991